Our Proposal To Customer

Proposal for Software Development Services
Propose a comprehensive software development solution tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of Customers.

At Soft24 Technologies, we understand the critical role that software plays in driving business success, and we are confident in our ability to deliver a high-quality, efficient, and scalable solution.

Our development approach is based on the Agile methodology, ensuring flexibility, transparency, and continuous collaboration. Regular sprint reviews and feedback sessions will keep you informed about the project's progress and allow for any necessary adjustments to meet evolving requirements

Our transparency in business dealings, our motto to deliver what is agreed upon made us grow from a team of 5 to a team of 50 IT experts.

Our proposed scope of work includes

Soft24 Technologies provides innovative software solutions meeting the specific and unique needs of our clients and their businesses. Founded in 2018, Soft24 Technologies started business consulting & product development service including IT and Non-IT Sectors.
Soft24 Technologies organization is a group of slash & microvet technologies.
We have a group of engineers having on a normal ordeal of 10+ years of experience, giving programming arrangement utilizing innovations like .Net, PHP, API Development, HTML5, MYSQL, CMS, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, Framework, Angular, AngularJS and All Latest Technologies.

  • Requirement Analysis :

    Conduct a detailed analysis of your business requirements to ensure a precise understanding of the project scope.

  • System Design :

    Develop a comprehensive system design, including architecture, database schema, and user interface.

  • Development :

    Implement the software solution using industry best practices and standards.

  • Testing :

    Conduct rigorous testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing, to ensure a bug-free and reliable application.

  • Deployment :

    Deploy the software in a staging environment for further testing and, upon approval, in the live production environment.

  • Training and Documentation :

    Provide user training sessions and comprehensive documentation to facilitate a smooth transition and ongoing support.

  • Methodology :

    Our development approach is based on the Agile methodology, ensuring flexibility, transparency, and continuous collaboration. Regular sprint reviews and feedback sessions will keep you informed about the project's progress and allow for any necessary adjustments to meet evolving requirements.

  • Timeline :

    We estimate that the project will be completed within [estimated duration], with milestones and deliverables outlined in the attached project timeline.

  • Next Steps :

    We would be delighted to discuss this proposal further and address any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact us at to schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience. Thank you for considering for your software development needs. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate and contribute to the success of Sincerely,


Objectives to interact customers

The primary goal of the software is to develop a robust Sales and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that enhances the efficiency of managing customer interactions, sales processes, and overall business relationships. The software aims to provide a comprehensive solution for streamlining sales activities, improving customer engagement, and optimizing the overall sales pipeline.
Efficiently capture, track, and manage leads through a centralized system, ensuring that no potential opportunity is overlooked
Maintain a detailed database of customer information, communication history, and preferences to personalize interactions and strengthen customer relationships
Visualize and manage the entire sales pipeline, from lead generation to deal closure, with customizable stages and automated workflows.
Enable sales representatives to schedule and track their tasks, appointments, and follow-ups, ensuring timely and organized engagement with prospects and customers
Provide comprehensive reporting and analytics tools to gain insights into sales performance, customer behaviours, and overall business trends.
Seamlessly integrate the CRM system with existing tools and systems, such as email platforms, marketing automation tools, and accounting software, to ensure a unified business ecosystem.
Implement secure user authentication and access control mechanisms to protect sensitive customer data and ensure that only authorized personnel can access specific information.
Develop a mobile-friendly application or responsive design to enable users to access the CRM system on the go, ensuring flexibility and real-time information access

By achieving these key features, the proposed software solution aims to empower Company with an advanced CRM system, ultimately leading to improved sales performance, enhanced customer satisfaction, and more informed business decision-making.